Bruno vom Lakotacamp
Joining us from Germany on September 16, 2023!
DOB 7/20/2018
Titles: ZTP, BH, IPO1
Hips: ADRK Frei (Excellent)
Elbows: ADRK Frei (Normal) JLPP Frei (Negative/Non Carrier/
N/N), Eyes Clear, Heart Normal, DM/NAD/XLMTM/LEMP all clear,
long coat clear
OFA Link
****Bruno is available for stud to
bitches with health clearances****
Please enjoy scrolling through his pictures!

We are excited to have Bruno joining us from Germany!
He has not been shown in comformation in Germany, but we
hope to get the chace to show him here at some point, he
does have his ZTP (Conformation rating and breeding approval
from the ADRK in Germany). Bruno is a CHARACHTER!
What a funny and fun dog! He is always in a good mood,
and makes us laugh every day. He loves to play play
play! His favorite toy is his tire, and he loves
splashing in the pool. He is social with people and
loves the girl dogs, big and small! His pedigree has some really neat
dogs in it, with excellent longevity and health! His
brother, sire, grandsire, and 2 grandsires are Gekort, the
highest honor in germany performance dogs. He is a
medium sized dog at just over 25 inches tall at his withers
and about
April 11, 2021 (Eric Joseph)
Withers 64cm, Depth of
Chest 29cm, Weight 45kg, Body Length 68cm, Chest
Circumference 84cm, Skull 15cm, Muzzle 9cm, Eyes 2a
Medium sized, very well built, alert, spirited with suitable
bones strength, good head with medium-sized, correctly
carried ears, dark brown eyes, cheekbones not completely
filled out, broad, strong muzzle, pigmeentation of the tooth
ridges mostly dark, lips somewhat open, strong neck with
light skin on the throat, very good chest proportions,
strait forearms very well set and angled, strong, very well
knuckled paws, straight back when standing with lightly
sloping croup, very good lower line, strong, muscular
hindquarters, somewhat wide set, very well angled, tail when
standing carried hanging down, well-groomed stock hair with
reddish-brown markings, slightly sooty on the muzzle, free
and expansive in movement. Complete teeth with scissor
~~~Retained Puppies~~~
Visbi vom Lauffeuer
"F" Litter - 2023
"T" Litter
- 2024
"V" Litter
Enzo vom Arenberger Land - VDH DT CH, BH, AD, IPO3
Gekort bis EZA - HD/ED/JLPP Frei
Tessa von der Reuthwiese - V Rated, BH, AD, IPO1 -
GS: Yaris vom Schwaiger Rathus Dt VDH
CH / ADRK CH, BH, AD, IPO3, Gekort bis EZA - HD/ED/JLPP Frei
Linebreeding - 6 generations:
4-5,5 Amigo vom Schwaiger Wappen VDH/INT/Dt CH, BH, AD, VPG3,
5 -6,6 Unja vom Schwaiger Wappen BH, AD, VPG 3 GEK BIS EZA
6,6,6,6-6 Rick von Burgthann INT ÖSTER LUX VDH CH, KS, BH, ZTP, AD, IPO III, SCHH III, KÖRUNG
6,6-5 Eyck von Tengen BH, AD, IPO3, SchH/VPG3 BJS'00
6-6 Quenda von der Bleichstrasse BH, VPG3
5-6,6 Mambo
von der Crossner Ranch INT/SCHWZ/DT.VDH-CH ES'02 O-BS'02
Working Dog Link