~Ryen vom Kressbach~
Ryen unfortunately had to be laid to rest
on 6/23/2023. He only had 2 grey whiskers and was a happy sweet boy
still, but had a non-cancer fatty tumor in his brain pushing on his mobility
section, and eventually lost his mobility. He will be deeply missed
and we are so glad we had him as our foundation stud.
We do have 2 breedings stored that we will use on a special occation in the
German Import (ADRK Pink Paper Registered)
Breeder: the famous breeder Werner Walter
ZTP, AD, BH, IPO3, Dt.Champion VDH, Multi V1
HD Frei, ED +/-, JLPP Frei, Clear Heart, Clear Eyes, DM Clear, Long Coat
67 cm tall, 115 lbs, 2a eyes
Please enjoy scrolling through his pictures!
We had Ryen imported from Germany in January of 2018. I was looking for a
dog that had beautiful type, fully titled, healthy, and wonderful
temperment, and a Mambo von der Crossner Ranch free pedigree to breed our
girls to. I found a couple of dogs in the United States available to stud
that fit my criteria, but saw Ryen and decided I would like to add him to
our family, and bring this beautiful boy to the United States. When we went
to pick him up at the airport, the ladies working at the pickup counter
commented on what a sweet boy he was. He has a wonderful, sweet, happy go
lucky, want to please personality but at the same time is confident and
protective. He LOVES to work. He has no dog aggression, and gets along
with everyone!
~~~Retained Puppies~~~
Piasa vom Lauffeuer
Pushmataha vom Lauffeuer
Nanabah vom Lauffeuer
Payatt vom Lauffeuer (Co-Own)
Kickapoo vom Lauffeuer
"P" Litter - 2018
"K" Litter
"N" Litter - 2020
"C" Litter
- 2020
(German Breed Suitability Test)
Ryen has been rated for breeding in Germany

Gero von der Sachsenberurg - HD/ED Frei, BH, AD, VPG 3, V Rated
Valeria vom Kressbach, HD/ED Frei, BH, VPG 1, KJS'05, KS'07, ES'09
Linebred 3:3 on Balou vom Silberblick, BH, AD, VPG 3, FH 1,
Ryen's mom Valeria vom Kressbach won the Youth Klub Siegerin in 2005,
the Klub Siegerin in 2007 and the Europasiegerian in 2009. She was
an amazing girl!
Two of our favorite rottweilers appear in Ryen's pedigree Akino von der
Lauterbruke and Balou vom Silberblick.
Working Dog Link

Ryen has passed his AD, BH, IPO1, IPO2 and IPO3 titles.